There will be joy in Hollywood tonight.
And where there is joy, there is disappointment.
But where there are winners, there are only losers in the minds of those who choose to see themselves that way.
I'm talking, of course, about tonight's award ceremony for Dances With Films year 16. We give awards because a few, special mentions might help the winners promote their work, without hurting those terrific films that do not win.
So the films that do not win, do not lose.
This year's films were so diverse that choosing a winner for the Grand Jury was close to impossible. Every film had a champion. Each had multiple reasons why it deserved to take home the wire man. Each elimination ripped a piece of the judges' hearts.
So when the winners are announced tonight, whether your name is called or not, let there be joy in your heart. Joy for your accomplishments. Joy for the newfound friends' accomplishments. Joy for being a Dances With Films alumni of year 16.
Congratulations to all.
A big thanks to DANCES WITH FILMS for using instinct and love of the film medium to make this event happen. Thank you to all volunteers who supported our films
I enjoyed the fest very much. But "Coyote" won the grand jury prize? Unbelievable. Horrible movie -- I've seen 80 movies already this year, and the only movie worse was "The Great Gatsby." It's poorly written and directed -- the story is good, but the decisions made were all wrong. The lead actor's complete unfamiliarity with Mexicans although he lives in SoCal rang so false. Everything seemed theatrical rather than real. And then, once they find the mom and sister, neither of them have a speaking role greater than "gracias." They're just background as they trudge through the wilderness around San Ysidro.
An unbelievably wrong-headed choice. "Us" or "Channeling" would have been very deserving winners.
Any one of the films in competition deserved to win. In fact, each of them had a good argument for winning by at least one judge.
As for the rest of your comment, you have a right to your opinion, but I suggest a couple of things to look up. Try "subjective" and "Thumper's Rule." They will both take you far in this business.
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