Monday, April 28, 2014

Don't Stop The Presses

Just a quick note...

You're going to start seeing some press about our official slate.  You're going to start hearing squeals of excitement from people who have heard they got into the festival.

Please note.  As of this morning, we still have 2 slots to fill for narrative features.

We still haven't programmed any docs.

We still haven't finalized our shorts schedule.

We haven't even begun to program Dances With Kids.

But the Press must go on, so sit tight.  Keep your hands and feet inside the car and don't remove your seatbelt until the ride comes to a complete stop.


Anonymous said...

Ah well. Looks like the wait is over. Shame.

RSMellette said...

Really? That's what you got from this post?

The wait is only over if you've received an invitation to the festival.

By the way, if you do end up getting a pass letter WHICH HAVE NOT GONE OUT YET... you can still be a part of the festival. We need volunteers!

Check out our website and Facebook page for information on how to sign up.

B.W. said...

2 slots ? :) ok, not afraid. I'll keep fighting until the very end !

Tamarah Murley said...

Squealing with excitement! "The Historian" will be at Dances With Films! Thank you, Mr. Mellette!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Ok - I'm starting a round of 99 bottles of beer - 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down - pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall -

YEAH! Closer already!

RSMellette said...

More like "99 DVD Screeners on the wall, 99 DVDs..."

Anonymous said...

Hello Robert,

Do you know when the two last films selected will be notified ? That'd be really nice if you could give us a time window !

Thanks !

RSMellette said...

The window is a moving target.

Read Thursday blog, "We're Getting Closer and Closer."

Unknown said...

...10 DVDs on the wall 10 DVDs - take one down, pass it around, 9 DVD's on the wall...

LOL I need a beer..