Monday, April 23, 2012

If At First You Don't Succeed...

Notifications have not gone out yet, so sit tight.

It is getting late for not hearing anything, though.  If you haven't heard a peep from us, the writing might not be on the wall yet, but the taggers are suiting up.

If that's case - and even if it isn't - you might want to enter a 2-Minute 2-Step script.  If you don't get your movie in the festival, you can still get your movie in the festival by making another one!  Even if you do get in, you can take half a day to make a movie and have two screenings!

So - hedge your bets.  Write a 2-page or less script and submit it.  You've got little to lose; you'll walk away with another film on your resume, and possibly a sweet Canon camera!


Ben Popik said...

Nerves officially wracked.

RSMellette said...

Yeah, sorry for the tease, but it's the best time to get word out about the 2-Step opportunity. Once we announce the line up, this blog becomes like Myspace.

Anonymous said...

Does the not a peep warning apply to shorts as well? If we haven't heard a thing should we wipe down the wall for the taggers?

RSMellette said...

Not at all. As I always say, until you get a PASS letter, you're still in the running. I just wanted to get word out about the 2-Step.

Anonymous said...

So, will every film that's getting in receive a prior "peep" to the, for lack of a better term, acceptance letter? Or is it possible that the only thing they'll get is the acceptance?

Really pulling for my film, Billi & Theodore! I'd love to premiere at your fest!